“Harmonized, Free and Fair”

Election day is over.  Winners and losers have been announced.  “Harmonized, free, and fair” has been the most used phrase to describe the election by state controlled media.  One side claims clear, decisive victory; the other, a “farce”.

This blog isn’t in the business of commenting on whether one side is more suited than another.  Or whether we believe one party stole the election or not.  But when we’re asked how election day went, we want people to understand that it’s about more than election “day”.  It’s not about whether we were “safe” that day or in the days thereafter.  It’s about the people of Zimbabwe and the whole of the election process and its aftermath– as seen through the eyes of individuals with no skin in the game.

As I mentioned, we were often asked how things are here (politically) with the run-up to the elections and their aftermath.  One word I felt very cautious in using, and honestly avoided, was the term “interesting”.  As in, “it’s interesting”.  I was telling one of my friends how I didn’t feel right using that word to describe what’s been happening here.  Almost as if it dehumanizes the elections and what they stand for- what the people hope for.  I don’t want people to look at this election through a telescope, from a far off distance.  That removes the human element- and these are people; not sheep, though some may be treated as such.

So, where do things stand now?  Here’s a pretty good article summarizing the chain of events since election day:


The BBC compiled a short list of people’s views on the election:


And this morning we awoke to news that there had been some political violence:


I hope that this reported violence is isolated, and not the start of something reminiscent of 2008.

In the mean time the people of Zimbabwe wait– all while going about their daily business as normal.

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